Sunday, May 25, 2008

Baby Mila (my-lah)


Im 5 months pregnant now 20weeks to be exact. So far my pregnancy is doing really fine i never had morning sickness and hoping will never have one. This week MILA got bigger and stronger cause i can feel a lot of her moves now i noticed too that whenever i take a shower that when she leans outwards you can see her from my body there is a bulge on the upper part of my tummy, she is probably tickled by the sound of the shower drops.

I remembered a time when my aunt is pregnant and that time im still in HS I was talking to her then she suddenly stopped from what she is doing and she smiled so sweetly and grabbed my hand quickly to feel her baby but me being so young and naive that time i dont know what's going on i didnt feel her baby moved I was just looking at her like she is the happiest person in the world.
I felt exactly the same way when my baby moves.

Its very true on what they say that "You will never understand how to be a parent until you became one"