Monday, July 7, 2008

Iron supplement

I just got done with my monthly pre-natal check-up today and everything went fine. I gained weight which is normal cause my baby is growing inside,also had the routine urine sample the result was ok too. Nurse pricked my finger to get a blood sample for my iron level and we just found out im a little low on iron or a little anemic, My OB-GYN explained that it happened to a lot of pregnant women cause the baby is getting iron from me so i need to add the iron to my body for both of me and my baby.

Lacking of enough iron for pregnant women can cause fatigue and headache which i experience but not aware of it. OB-GYN also said that my diet will consist of leafy vegetables and meat. Im just hoping that since im approaching on my third trimester that im going to have a smooth sailing pregnancy and not to have this as a start of a difficult last 3 months.


lovedew said...

bless you my dear.

PinayWAHM said...

Hey Grace..

Hopefully your last trimester will be smooth sailing. I think that's the best part of my pregnancy....I hope it will be for you as well...

Thanks for the visit....take care.
