Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Baby Shower

Yeheyyy!!! Im so excited with my upcoming baby shower in Pittsburgh this coming weekend My awesome mother-in-law is throwing it for us. Ive been to one baby shower for my sister in law before but i dont have a clue what was going on cause we dont have baby shower back in the philippines when i was still there. But this time ill appreciate it cause its for my baby and the gifts are going to be such a big blessings for us. Thank you all in advance.

Update on my pregnancy: I just went to my OB-GYN for my Prenatal check-up everything was fine my baby is measuring perfect, passed my Glucose test with flying colors and had a good talk with my OB today. The only thing that bothers me is i have this PUPPP some kind of pregnancy rashes its super itchy and its killing me, my OB advice me to take benadryl and cortizone something so hopefully it can help me. But other than that im happy to know my baby is very OK

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Dark Knight

I heard a lot of good reviews on this movie and I cant wait to hit the theaters to see this movie myself and have my own review about it. I guess it became more popular because the late Heath Ledger played the Joker and also BATMAN movies has a lot of followers like my husband.
Christian Bale who played BATMAN is freakin HOT! HOT! HOT!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

I miss my mom

Lately my mind is always occupied with thoughts about my pregnancy and wanting my parents to be here when i deliver my baby. I hope and pray that they will be granted a tourist visa so they can see their first granddaughter. It just sad to think that its in the immigrations hand if that will ever happen. (Just venting here)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Good Deal

We recently bought this TV for our bedroom got it from best buy cause we have been using the "dinosaur tv" that has broken remote and we only get one channel.
It was a very good deal, Its a 32inch FLATSCREEN PLASMA TV for just $547.00
You cant beat that even the salesman cant believe that they have a deal for a plasma tv for that kind of price.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Our Landscaping



So far we are done with the rocks but we are still going to add some plants and flowers. Its a pain in the pocket project but we will take it than those old pine needdles that we used to have they are messy and sometimes snakes lay eggs on them.
Now it looks better and it adds up the value of our house too

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Cool Advertisement

Pictures from Japan and UK

Monday, July 7, 2008

Iron supplement

I just got done with my monthly pre-natal check-up today and everything went fine. I gained weight which is normal cause my baby is growing inside,also had the routine urine sample the result was ok too. Nurse pricked my finger to get a blood sample for my iron level and we just found out im a little low on iron or a little anemic, My OB-GYN explained that it happened to a lot of pregnant women cause the baby is getting iron from me so i need to add the iron to my body for both of me and my baby.

Lacking of enough iron for pregnant women can cause fatigue and headache which i experience but not aware of it. OB-GYN also said that my diet will consist of leafy vegetables and meat. Im just hoping that since im approaching on my third trimester that im going to have a smooth sailing pregnancy and not to have this as a start of a difficult last 3 months.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Child Birth Classes

I have reach my 26th week of my pregnancy and its the time also that i have to schedule us for child birth class but until now we are still thinking twice if we are going to do it or not, I heard to some people that its OVER-RATED especially if you are going to have C-SECTION. I remember when i was still in the philippines i dont know anymom who went to those classes and still they had a safe and healthy delivery.

The fee is $60 its a one day 8 hour class.

What do you think mommies? Is it really super important?